
Thursday, November 29, 2012


12 weeks today. I had a doctor's appt this afternoon and she gave me the official estimated due date of June 13th. So I have to "redo" 3 days of my first trimester, yuck! But, we did hear a strong heartbeat that was 158-160 bpm! What a sweet sweet sound!

From last Friday to Tuesday I felt awful all day long. Yesterday was the first day it I have no idea how long that I was able to eat something besides cold cereal before work. Although now it seems that I'm have more "afternoon sickness" then morning sickness and I feel crappy from lunch until bedtime. Hopefully it'll go away soon, second trimester in a week and a half!

We're headed to the beach for the weekend for a much needed getaway. While we're there I have an ideas for a picture to take to help announce we're expecting. It's not an original idea, but oh well. It'll go on our Christmas cards and will be our big "Facebook" announcement (oh how times have changed....).

This weekend might even include a post with pictures....but don't hold your breath, I might just catch up on sleep instead ;-)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Round about 12 weeks

Ya know....I would really love to remember to do these on the day they're supposed to be done LOL I even have belly pics to start putting up (granted it's more fat then baby, but whatever) if I ever felt like uploading them to the computer. I feel like there's going to be a post in the future w/ like 20 belly pics or something. Anyways since I missed week 11 I'll skip ahead to 12 weeks even though it's not until tomorrow.

How far along: 11 weeks 6 days...a week and 4 days until 2nd tri woot woot!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, (who likes to compare baby to fruits and veggies) he/she is the size of a what to expect app says a large prune.

Total weight gain: It fluctuates everyday, but I might be up a pound.

Sleep: Hit and miss...since we've been home for the holiday weekend I haven't been able to get my usual afternoon naps in, so I'm usually pretty tired at night. That doesn't necessarily equal good sleep though. I'm really looking forward to a few months of not having to get up every night to pee.

Maternity Clothes: nope, I think it'll be awhile. I have noticed my stomach getting harder though.

Food cravings : not really, microwave popcorn last night.

Food Aversions: It's different all the time, nothing I can put my finger on at the moment

Challenges: Finding something that sounds good to eat. Dealing with the nausea the last couple days.

Movement: Not for awhile

Boy or Girl?: Won't know until January...I'm leaning toward finding out

What I’m looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat on Thursday

What I miss: good sleep and being able to be a little hungry w/o gagging

Next appt:  Nov. 29th 12 week appt

We told the hubs' extended family last night. It went good and it was caught on camera so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's expressions. As expected they're all looking forward to having more babies in the family :-)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

10 weeks 3 days...or 10 weeks, who knows?

How far along: 10 weeks 3 days....we're going to go with that b/c I don't want to have to redo 3 days when I'm counting down to the end of first tri LOL

How big is baby: According to the Bump, (who likes to compare baby to fruits and veggies) he/she is the size of a what to expect app says a lime.

Total weight gain: Maybe up a pound total. I made up for the weight I lost when I was sick last week.

Sleep: I spoke too soon last week. Sleep has sucked this week. I can't fall asleep until late even though I'm exhausted by 8pm and after I wake up to pee I can't fall back asleep for an hour or longer :(

Maternity Clothes: not yet, but I'm anxious for an actual baby bump and not just a fatter stomach.

Food cravings : cliche as it is I had to have pickles today LOL

Food Aversions: soup and crackers which I used to love

Challenges: Trying not to worry that something might go wrong. The last few days I've felt a lot better, I don't have to force myself to eat food. I'm still gagging a lot which is awesome at work in the middle of a treatment. I'm also having to learn to let things that people say to me about my body and my baby roll off my back. I knew it would happen, but it's still obnoxious.

Movement: Not for awhile

Boy or Girl?: Won't know until January...if we decide to find out

What I’m looking forward to: Telling the hubs' extended family the Saturday after Thanksgiving. They're having family pics taken and the photographer is a good friend of ours that already knows so she's going to help us tell everyone and then get their reactions on camera :) Thanks Kati!!

What I miss: good sleep and not feeling like so much of a fat ass

Next appt:  Nov. 29th 12 week appt

Thursday, November 8, 2012

9 weeks...again?

 We have a baby!

 We had our ultrasound appt this afternoon. I was so anxious! They tell you to drink x amount of water so you'll have a full bladder...then they made pregnant lady sit in the waiting room for 45 min :-/ By the time we got called back I couldn't concentrate on anything beside trying not to pee so I didn't enjoy see baby as much as I could have. But, either way we saw that there really is a baby in there and it has a heartbeat, 174bpm :) The tech took some measurements then took the average to determine due date. She said it's June 13th and I'm 9 weeks today, I don't know if I'm on board with that. I was charting pretty thoroughly and I still think I'm a few days ahead of that. Not that it really matters because baby will show up when he/she wants. I'll wait until I see my Dr on the 29th and see what she says as far as due date.

How far along: 9 weeks?

How big is baby: According to the Bump, (who likes to compare baby to fruits and veggies) he/she is the size of a green what to expect app says a prune

Total weight gain: -4lbs....I was really sick on Monday and couldn't keep anything down all day. I'm thinking it may have been the flu bug that's been going around, but it may have been morning sickness. Either way I haven't eaten all that much this week.

Sleep: much better then it has been, I think because it's getting colder at night here and I sleep better when it's cold in the bedroom.

Maternity Clothes: not yet. I only need the be band with one pair of jeans at this point

Food cravings : nothing sounds good,'s awesome

Food Aversions: pretty much everything it sucks. I'll be so hungry and absolutely nothing sounds good (same as last week)

Challenges: Trying not to worry that something is going to go wrong. Hearing the HB and seeing the baby went a long way in helping with that though. Also trying to get through the work day while feeling soooo crappy

Movement: Not for awhile

Boy or Girl?: Won't know until January...if we decide to find out

What I’m looking forward to: feeling better & starting to take weekly belly pics

What I miss: not feeling nauseous and not being ready for bed at 8pm

Next appt:  Nov. 29th 12 week appt